Silver Girl

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If there is something I really enjoy, is a good afternoon at the beach. The sun, the sand, and the sea. It is easy to believe that the best things in life are actually free when you spend a nice Summer day at them beach. Spending a lot of time indoors working makes it so easy for me to appreciate every single experience. Perhaps that is why I love to travel so much. It is like a burst of emotions. The colours of nature, directly, not through a screen or a lens sometimes gives me goosebumps.

If you know me, you know how much I love palm trees (and trees in general for that matter). Sometimes I find myself looking at all the detail in each thing, as if I was looking to some piece of art, so much detail would make such thing really expensive. And the perfectness of something that was not influenced by human hands is just amazing. Sometimes is easy to forget how it all started, and how far we have come as a human race, capable to mimic nature, in its perfectness and consistency. 

It is so easy to fall into concepts and complicate things, looking for ideals, getting carried away. But if we look to all things natural, we see that everything is much simpler than we all make it seem. We, as humans, independently of hair colour, skin, body figure, face, we are all perfect, just like those palm trees. One will be taller than the other, stronger. There is not a single one that is exactly the same, however, all fully perfect in their natural form. 

I find it important to disconnect from concepts that often don't serve us so much, and compare all things to nature, to go back to the basics and see that there is nothing more Chanel than being confident through the ups and downs, and realise that being truly deeply happy starts where you are, with good music and appreciation to all things.

Thank you for reading. 

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