Silver Girl

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It's Thursday noon, my hair is a mess and I will run to the gym before the last hour to make sure my fitness stays in place with all the stress that is currently going on. Needless to say November feels like a short night of sleep, but one you slept deeply. One thing I learned at Marangoni was to live with stress (well, after it almost setting me to sleep forever). I feel that if I can manage to calm down my mind and to think of one thing at the time, knowing that I am doing the best I can and mostly that there is no better way to invest my time than in what I am doing, then I can live with it, it actually promotes productiveness. More things to do means you can be productive and vary between tasks according to what you feel like doing. 

Working almost 18h a day in 3 different projects is surely not easy! What was I thinking? I guess it simply happened. One of my current goals now is to bring it down to two before I go crazy! Although I love all them three, one would have been just enough! Are you working in more than one project simultaneously? Let me know how is it going in the comments, I would love to share my compassion.

About the outfit, Sisley had been under my eye for a while, so I figured it was time to go for it, and pulled my second attempted to look nice in culottes. It's one of those pieces I can imagine us looking back and hating a few years from now. Not sure why, maybe we won't, after all they look nice, right? They matched my Rebeca Sanver heels, so I felt these really were a must here. Had my favourite clutch hanging in the closet since last Winter, the beige sewing detail matched the beige of the pattern in the pants. The sweater is from Massimo Dutti, is one of those pieces worth getting for this season, it's full of trend key words (sweater, stripes, highneck, comfortable, cozy, etc) 

Hope you enjoyed this look, leave a comment and share, I promise to reply. Meanwhile I'll try to get a new look to you before next Thursday. Fingers crosssed. Oh, and enjoy Black Friday tomorrow!

Striped Sweater: Massimo Dutti  Pattern Culottes: Sisley  Clutch: Mango (similar here and here) • Red Heels: Rebeca Sanver (similar here and here)

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