Silver Girl

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JUNE 2004 As the school ends and the Summer begins, I start to get excited with the free time I have, I could do anything! My neighbours would certainly be at home and my parents are most likely to be free or just in the mood for a little road trip stoping by the beach on the sea front of some restaurant. The Summer was so full of plans, it would fly! Even the locals would arrange some events outside for us to participate. I sang and danced whenever I could, I knew it wasn’t the best kind of parties one could attend, but surely the one at my reach. Soon enough it’s time to get back to school, and although I wished Summer would continue, it was really exciting to get back to school and see some of my friends that lived far from my place.

This lifestyle is something that I can easily miss, the Hakuna Matata feeling, no responsibilities, no preoccupations. Living actively and creatively. Growing up some of us wish it was still the same. It’s a sweet illusion we all love to dream of.

You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one. - Unknown

I am a huge believer that those who look at the future are more likely to move forward. So if you’re like me and sometimes wish to go back to that life, remember that there is potential in you that would never come to happen, making yourself just another person. This attitude happens when we’re tired of life, or when we stop believing in ourselves, mostly if we set our goals high. Let them be high, it’s the mentality that has to change in order to match the goals. If the mind doesn’t do differently the body hardly will. Find your strengths,  build it in your mind and start your journey.

What the mind can conceive the mind can achieve. - Napoleon Hill


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