'If I offered you a pizza, assuming you are not homeless, how likely would you be ok with sharing?'
All tagged motivation-lifestyle
'If I offered you a pizza, assuming you are not homeless, how likely would you be ok with sharing?'
Progress, enjoyment and sleep are just a few that will keep you on a good track.
Because no one knows what they are doing.
'I am a huge believer that those who look at the future are more likely to move forward.'
‘How to think clear when you mess up? The fastest way I know to recover from negative times.’
'When you loose it, you go automatic and the animal inside you takes over.'
'Start the morning right by picking the right attitude'
'Make sure you don’t get bored any time soon, if you’re stuck in a routine it’s time to get inspired!'
'If you want things you never had, you have to do things you have never done.'