Mia Soarez




I've been wanting to talk about these apps for a while (and I actually did on that post) however, I thought these deserved a bit more attention, and since I know you love to catch up on trends and to hear about new things, here it is: 7 Fashion Apps that have a huge chance of turning bigger than they are at the moment. (meaning you should be there and catch the wave, and enjoy the early days).


There is already something quite similar going on called Wishbone. Although Wishbone is much more user-friendly, Cuuura is super fashion focused in a 'outside of fashion industry' mentality, meaning there is a lot of mainstream going on like Adidas, VS, celebrity looks and red carpet. There are contests constantly going on, which is great if you want to win Victoria's Secret prizes and many other things for free!


A while ago I started getting a lot of e-mails from different outfit share platforms. At the time I picked out a few I though had the most potential of becoming something. FashionTap was one of the few that stood out. It was great to catch up one of their first waves on Shark Tank. It is like any other outfit share app except it includes other people from the industry like MUAS, stylists, etc, allowing you to link anything on the image and take you directly to the product.


Lookbook was the catapult for many Top fashion bloggers. Back then, when most of us weren't even aware of this whole concept, there was Chiara Ferragni, Kristina Bazan, Aimee Song, Rumi Neely, Adam Gallagher sharing their outfits daily on this website. Many people didn't even had a blog, they were just sharing their looks and getting popular (like a fashion Instagram with less competitively). The app/website used to work differently, the more hypes you got the more visibility you would have, which triggered competitively and raised overall quality. Last year they changed it to make it more of a social/fair place and lower the competitively. Although the chances of getting featured on their Instagram with over 1 Million followers are low, it's still worth posting everyday, as it brings good traffic to your website.


You can't even put it side to side with these other apps, Pinterest is clearly on another level. The reason I wanted to share it here is to maybe emphasise how much it can bring to you. If you don't know Pinterest, it is a place where you can create boards/folders and organise images that are already online without much effort. It is great for image research, sharing your photos, style, brand, etc. If you work with images of any kind you should be there, whether to share your own or to find what you need, even if it is just for random inspiration for a friends dinner or a business card. If you're feeling mainstream, don't leave out that 'Wedding' board, 'Home Decor' and 'My style'. And if your feeling shy, you can always make your albums private and enjoy them alone. The best part is that, different from google images, all the content is carefully curated so that every image is a pleasure to look at.


Depop is the closest thing to a worldwide free market, it's so free that if you don't find your way, you get lost. At first it gives the impression that little to no one is there, which is clearly not true. Many people claim to sell more on there than elsewhere. You can define your shipping national and/or international, and enable the 'buy now' feature. The lack of space for information makes it great to sell ANYTHING, but it's so broad that makes it harder to find and be found. Still, because it has so much freedom, it is great to use as you not only get to sell anything as you also get good exposure for that anything you would want to sell.


Vinted is a more commercial version of Depop with a strong structure for safety and quality. You can make offers, shop instantly and leave feedback. Things sell quite easily on there, and support team seems to be very strong in getting things from A to B when solving issues. It is still restrained to certain countries, if you are lucky to have your country's version, it is worth trying as it is free to post (they get 15% commission when you sell) and you will have a lot of exposure on the clothing you are looking to sell.


Probably left the best for last! If you follow many blogs/websites or run your own, you are probably familiar with Bloglovin. Just after Pinterest, it is a very well known platform that allows you to follow different blogs and magazines independently of the category (fashion, food, nature, lifestyle, music etc). It is a great App for you if you follow many people online, as you get a feed like Instagram, but one you can like, save or share posts before opening them, and it's also quite fast compared to opening urls, making it easier to comeback to the feed after reading an article. It is worth signing up considering how easy it is to use and how much you can find there.



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