Mia Soarez



And just like that, another year has gone by. This last year felt like a rollercoaster to me, a mix of feelings, a mix of ups and downs, a constant change of direction, being shaken but enjoying the wind and laughing between the tears.

One thing I realise is that we are not here for the good nights of sleep, but for the adventure and discovery. For the experiences and the people.

For 2017 I want energy and courage, I want to jump into all the new things and take myself forward between challenges and adventures. I want to get out of every comfort zone and try to do things differently, with a fresh new approach. I want to never get bored, to surprise myself and to stay positive on my own light even when others attempt to switch it off. Life is a not a wonderland but it is full of wonders and could be perfect with a little switch. 

When it hits midnight for each clock of the clock, turn on a light in you. Turn on the light of self-confidence and conviction, the light of commitment to make it happen, the light of courage and the light of motivation. As the fireworks paint the sky turn on the light of happiness in you and the light of passion for life. Turn on the light of curiosity for the unknown and excitement for what is coming. Turn one on for positivity and good vibes and keep them all on the for the new year - the new you. Let 2017 be different, let it swipe you off your feet and move you to where you most want to be. 

Happy New Year! 

Blue Sequin Dress: similar
Black Leather Mules: similar

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