You right now, are in a city with a certain amount of money alone or not, healthy or not, fit or not - but that means nothing because you are not a tree - you can move and you can change and long as you want to!
All tagged motivation-selfdevelopment
You right now, are in a city with a certain amount of money alone or not, healthy or not, fit or not - but that means nothing because you are not a tree - you can move and you can change and long as you want to!
'I learned that right and wrong are perspectives and emotions are like the weather, they come and go.'
'If I offered you a pizza, assuming you are not homeless, how likely would you be ok with sharing?'
"Being vulnerable can be scary, but I know that if I don’t push myself out of the shelf I will be just another girl."
Progress, enjoyment and sleep are just a few that will keep you on a good track.
Isn’t it just amazing to be able to not get it right and continue regardless? Even final exams are not final, there’s life after that.
'negative emotion can be easily overcome and remain meaningless to you.'
'Luck increases with preparation, but it also increases with enthusiasm and believing.'
Because no one knows what they are doing.