Mia Soarez




Valentine’s day is just around the corner and there’s a few things you should remember next Saturday..

1. Single people give more meaning to Valentine’s day than the ones in a relationship. No one will give it as much attention as you being single than yourself. Unless you plan to go out with multiple couples and in that case everyone might try to find someone for you.

2. Going out on Valentine’s day hoping to find the love of your life is like trying to do homework when the class has already started - it’s designed to fail, if it was that easy you would have done it before. You’re most likely to embarrass yourself, unless you’re just looking for a “check” √ moment. Homework - check √   Boyfriend (kind of) - check √

3. Being against Valentine’s day will actually embarrass you as you will draw attention to you as someone so desperate that is waving the white flag in the hope someone will shoot anyways. It will not work and you’re most likely to become someone’s homework. - You don’t want that!

4. Valentine’s day is not about Chocolate and Flowers, or stuffed little animals, if someone sends you gifts on Valentine's day but doesn’t spend the day with you for no reason, you should re-think that relationship, unless you’re looking to progress in the gold-digger career, in that case you’re doing well. Getting gifts from someone who doesn’t show interest in visiting should be followed by a text saying “thanks but I am not sick” (you’re welcome)

5. Just because it is Valentine’s day you don’t need to take the relationship to “another level”. The other person might not be ready and you’re rushing things - it’s not an opportunity, it’s a miss or hit. The last thing you want is to ruin everything on the 14th of February, or in the 15th or 16th.. 20th..

6. It’s Valentine’s day and Topshop, River Island and Asos will put some lovely & cute clothes for sale which are a good option if you’re having a girls slumber party or going out just GirlsNightOut mode. Dressing all in hearts is not a requirement for Valentine’s day. If you have more than one thing in a Heart shape leave both at home. Best advice a stylist will give you: when getting ready remove the last accessory you added. I would remove 2 - you can never go wrong with minimalism.

7. Don’t “celebrate” being single by stuffing your face with candy and over drinking (and who knows what comes next if you want to be hardcore). Harming/punishing yourself will not get you a loved one, it’s so obvious it is ridiculous - if you don’t respect yourself no one will. That being said it’s a good day to start developing feelings for yourself. If you’re planning to spend the Saturday by yourself or with your girl friends at your place choose to get healthy foods and cook together, take care of yourself doing face masks, nails and dancing instead of just watching a movie eating crap. You will feel even better the next day and you might start a change in your friend’s eating habits. I am sure everyone will want to repeat it afterwards.

8. If you’re in a relationship and your boyfriend forgets it is Valentine’s day have in mind 2 things: he’s memory and capacity to “get things” is not connected to how much he loves you. That being said, if you’re looking for someone smarter this might be a red flag. Just wait for the next day before making any decisions as you might ruin any surprise.

9. Valentine’s day will last 24h, 10 of them you will be sleeping, 2 of them you will totally forget what day it is. and the other 12h will be in a roller coaster of feelings and emotions and expectations. If you panic throughout the day breath deeply - You will survive. 15th will be Sunday so you have time to recharge before that dreadful Monday. When you put it in perspective, Saturday will be awesome.

Love yourself (at least) this week

Dream on,