Mia Soarez




It's almost 4PM, I am currently in London, I have a flight in about a week and for the first time after a year I decided to skip the whole concept of Fashion Week. But little did I knew that among the long list of invites for the shows, Carven and Balmain would be there. (as seen on Snapchat)
I feel that what bothered me the most at these events are not the events itself but how people go about it. The peacock stereotype applies to so many show attendants, it's really challenging to go about it without feeling empty. I think that was part of the reason last time I decided to dress normal. The problem then was that I didn't felt as comfortable as I expected as I don't really dress normal whether I'm taking photos that day or not. I mean, I haven't worn jeans in 3 years before these photos, and haven't worn since.

I really enjoy the shows - to see a long time of work beeing presented in the coolest way possible. As the years passed it seems that the shows became more and more interesting, with sort of a personality or story in the way it was beeing presented, I've been to shows that were a show in itself! Shows in the dark, with special effects, live music, technology..  all to communicate what's coming next season from each specific brand.
I was advised to go for 2-4 days and not miss this opportunity, but I'll be honest and say that I am more likely to not go. I have been working on new things, and I know it takes time for those to be shared, but eventually everything will make sense. In the meanwhile I can only be grateful for all of this. My life as it is right now, although not even close to where I am headed, is already a dream to the six-year-old me.

About the look, I wish I had an explanation for the jeans, but I honestly don't. I think I spent so much time without wearing some that it felt refreshing, although I am well aware that that is not what comes across to everyone else. I feel that I don't need to speak about this silk scarf anymore (yes it is the same one, I told you about its versatility..) The shoes were actually customised by me during Paris Fashion Week, last season. At the moment, I don't even know where these shoes are. :)

This look was a bit of a self-approach to what I was feeling about the Fashion Week atmosphere, the day after I got sick I went outside to find some sort of connection, whether through culture or nature. (if you've been here for a while this will make a lot more sense to you)  It was pure meditation to find this quiet reserved place with hints of nature, that although it doesn't scream Paris, it was just by the Arc de Triomphe

What about you, what keeps you balanced? See you soon!

The next 20 mins could be the historic moment when you first started. - Mia Soarez

The next 20 mins could be the historic moment when you first started. - Mia Soarez

It takes no guts to be a pessimist. - Mia Soarez

It takes no guts to be a pessimist. - Mia Soarez