Mia Soarez




As much as I enjoyed Fashion Week, there's really nothing like the time we have off to walk around the city. As Ana Wintour said, " there's something about fashion that makes people nervous" - mostly during Fashion Week! Shifting from fashion events to that travel-mode felt so good! So since then we've been thinking about it more, and with the new year, we are planning to travel more and to attend less fashion events. I will still be able to share the trend forecast with you and keep you updated with emerging trends.

Champ-Élisées is one of my favourite parts of Paris. I have to admit that I never had that dream of flying to Paris, if it wasn't for Fashion Week, I would probably still not know this city. Had I fallen in love with the idea that the movies portray, I would most likely get the popular Paris Syndrome. 

[French: Syndrome de Paris, is a transient psychological disorder exhibited by some individuals when visiting or vacationing to Paris, as a result of extreme shock resulting from their finding out that Paris is not what they had expected it to be.]
- Wikipedia


This was my second time coming, this time we had more shows on schedule but we managed to organise the 10 days we spent there better because not only we knew the city this time, but we also knew what events were more important and the ones we wouldn't mind skipping.

We decided to walk instead of taking transports or even calling an uber as much as the first time. So many reasons to do so, the weather was so much better than last February, meaning I could see the city while going from show to show, beeing stuck in traffic gets me a bit stressed because there's nothing to do (not kidding! on airplanes it gets a bit depressing.. haha). I enjoyed the fact that I was walking outside mostly because I don't do it as often as I would love to. And the exercise side of it is such a plus, since I was not able to workout while I was there.  All of this gave me the perfect excuse to leave my Valentino back in London and travel with simple white sneakers and occasionally my favourite leather boots.  (could walk on with them all day!)

Eating healthy was not so easy! And as some of you know, we both felt very sick on the last halfway through our stay, so much so we had to miss some of the plans we had and spend one of the days at the hotel. Having food intolerance did not come handy as we would expect, my skin went crazy and a lot of acne took over my cheeks. I carry a very healthy lifestyle but every time I stop, my body acts out, it can be annoying sometimes, all of a sudden I look not so good because of it. 

About the look, I got this red velvet dress from Zara. I don't wear that much because of the fitting. However, it looked cool with one side down, sort of Jane of The Jungle Meets the City.  I am aware it is not that obvious, haha, but it was part of my inspiration. Although this was a very comfortable look, and a lot of people took photos of at the Balmain entrance, I am not sure if I would wear it again in the city and with these accessories. And most likely pair it with different shoes.

Red Velvet Dress: Zara (similar here)
Golden Tiara Crown: River Island (similar here)
White T-Shirt: Zara (similar here)
White Plimsoles Trainers: Zara (similar here and here)
Red Wallet Shoulder Bag: Gucci
Chain Bracelet: (similar here)
Golden Necklace: Rock n' Rose 

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DAILY STYLE: Last Day In Paris