Mia Soarez




It's not just the fact that it was a phase, but how long it lasted. It appears to me that every winter I go through these phases and my style totally matches what is in my head. It's hard to look cool in chunky sweaters and rollnecks, Winter clothing in general, can be so boring and sedentary.

Imagine my excitement to see more different textures trending other than the "puffed" style that makes us look like airbags or the knit sweater with nothing special on it other than the type of knitting. *yawn* I wish I had found some cool open backs and some velvet dresses that did not remind me of a vintage version School of Witches (please note, I am not sure if this even exists). So I am likely projecting my frustration towards all the boredom with the coolest things I manage to find when not even looking. Not that the season was bad specifically, I am just not the Winter type, and apparently have a weird way of dealing with it! haha

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy my phases, I am already looking forward to my next one, next year. You can say goodbye to this one (well not really, still a couple more looks coming) I almost regret that it took over my Fashion Week photos, but that's what phases do, they ruin memories haha. Regardless, I have to admit I still like this look, I just find that it is not truly my vibe, and I could not have shared it, but since it actually happened, it wouldn't be fair to keep this all for myself! 

I am sure you remember my last phase, (here's the peak of it) I call it the dark ages, but it wasn't as "tough" believe me. If it happens again next year I will officially name October-November the Dark Ages of Silver Girl. haha 

About this look, well leather pants are my Winter-everything (can't promise forever, but at least for now) in the contrary of what most might assume, leather pants are very versatile and easy to wear, more than jeans I find. I like to wear it with all sort of styles. My go-to shoes are definitely these boots that end up merging with the pants quite well. Matching the so trendy leopard coat with band tees that are also huge at the moment, creates this sort of easy to go edgy look that has been seen in lots of editorials and Instagram looks. 

Let me know your thoughts on this look, and if you go through these phases too!

Guns n' Roses T-Shirt: Zara (similar)
Animal Print Coat: Zara (similar)
Black Leather Leggings: Helmut Lang (similar here and here)
Ankle Boots: Similar here
Velvet Choker: Asos

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DAILY STYLE: Last Time In Paris